Mommy is as sick as a dog still but we are another week closer to meeting you my Little boy! That is so more week closer to me holding you in my arms and you are FULL TERM as of 37 weeks...another milestone I would say!
Even though I have mentioned many times before that I am feeling "huge", truth be told as of this week I am feeling the most pregnant I have ever felt and I didn't think that would ever be possible! So, besides being sick with Bronchitis and having to work most evenings until 7 pm to get all my work complete before I hand over to the lady taking over from me when I go off on maternity leave, everything is starting to ache more and more each day. My fingers ache now the entire day due to my joints being so swollen, the lower back pain and severe pubic pain which are now the reasons I am struggling to walk ( my walk now resembles a shuffle, as I refuse to waddle) or sleep even less than I have been throughout this pregnancy.
This week has been one of many emotions for me. I think it has something to do with the lack of sleep and then also the fact that your due date is nearing and I am getting nervous, scared and at times I feel overwhelmed but I know this is probably pretty normal for most first time moms. I have at times felt like I would just like to keep you safe inside my belly forever. Don't get me wrong, it is not that I am not excited...I am SO excited but this is all so surreal....I am sure this feeling is totally normal?!
Meet you soon and love you so much.
Your Mom
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37 Weeks ( and growing) |
Every week is a little different than the week before but I am so chuffed that I am still able to shave my own legs - BOOM! Who would have thought that I would be so proud of myself for being able to shave my own!
I am still waiting to feel these Braxton Hicks contractions that everyone speaks of, I feel somewhat left out in that department, I guess God feels I don't need a practice run before the real deal?!
I started to feel mild "period-like" pains around Thursday morning this week and they come and go. Sunday when Wayne and I went shopping they were the worst, I can honestly say that I hated every minute of that 5 hour shopping spree but I have been told that getting a good walk in wont hurt. I have not given these pains much thought...this could be it, this could mean we still have to wait another few weeks...who knows. I think this waiting game and not knowing how much pain to expect is what is freaking me out.
How far along: 37 weeks
Baby fun facts: He is "FULL TERM" this week. I wonder if he will make us wait until 40 weeks or 42 weeks to make his appearance. You know Wayne always says...great things take when he is ready then that is okay.
Pregnancy weight gain: Will weigh myself again closer to my due date. Honestly the last thing on my mind right now is how much I weigh. I am stressed out enough as it is.
Sleep: Hardly any right now due to the increased pain I feel at night. I am so uncomfortable it is scary. I am honestly starting to wonder if I will ever feel normal again?!
Food cravings: None
Food aversions: None
Gender: Baby boy
Highlight of the week: Getting the good news Wayne and I have been waiting for since we found out we were pregnant - Praise the Lord! He always comes through for you when you least expect it. This week we are officially debt free! Such a financial relief and major weight off our shoulders!
Movement: Mild movements this week. Nothing major, this little boy is so chilled and I often wonder if that is going to be the case when he is out of my tummy or if it will all change.
What am I looking forward to: Finally holding this Lil guy in my arms.
What am I looking forward to: Finally holding this Lil guy in my arms.
What I miss the most: Feeling myself.
Most excited about: Being debt free and getting another chance to "get it right" - we are SO blessed!
Making use of: Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, Preg O mega Plus Vitamins.
Grateful for: God and his provisions!