Monday, April 28, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 28

Dear Baby Loxton,

This week was another busy one! We had lunch with Aunty Juanita and you were showered with lots and lots of love at my Baby Shower my baby boy! Your grandmother put together an amazing Baby Shower. It was a pastel colored, Ellie theme, breakfast that she hosted at Ntida Wine Farm ~ everything was just so pretty and perfect!

It was so much fun to be with friends and family and I cannot wait for you to meet everyone.

I haven't been feeling that great lately. Suffering with headaches and my vision is really blur but the Doctor says it is just due to the pregnancy. Due to water retention I have swelling of the cornea which is causing my blurred vision and it will go back to normal once you are here. I am happy about that because when you are here I do not want to miss one little thing!

On another positive note you have been extremely active this week which makes me really, really happy. Stay happy and healthy my little champ!

Your mom

28 Weeks
How far along: 28 weeks

Baby fun facts: He is able to open and blink his eyes and turn his head in my uterus if he notices a continuous light shining from the outside.
Pregnancy weight gain:I feel pretty much the same as last week just my tummy seems larger - much larger!

Sleep: Not with these headaches I have been experiencing.

Food cravings: None.

Food aversions: Nothing really.

Gender: Baby boy!

Highlight of the week: Most definitely my Baby Shower - it was amazing!

Movement: LOADS! It is as if he has found his legs and arms this week and realized what to do with them.

What am I looking forward to: Meeting this little guy and holding him tight! I can't wait to kiss his little feet (or big feet)!

What I miss the most: The gym!

Worried about: Ag, when do I not worry LOL

Most excited about: Our maternity shoot next weekend! Yay!

Making use of: Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, Preg O mega Plus Vitamins. 

Grateful for: My mom for all she did to make my baby shower so perfect - I love you! My gran for helping my mom financially with the baby shower. Monique for helping out with the baby shower and on the day,Leigh-ann for the delish cupcakes she made for my shower and lastly everyone who attended my baby shower and bought such amazing gifts, I am SO grateful to you all - you ALL rock and have a very special place in my heart!

Monday, April 21, 2014

3rd Trimester. The countdown is ON!


You arrived just as if you were sent with the winter weather ( I promise that is not a complaint) - My over heating body and sore feet welcome you both with open arms!

Never in a million years did I ever think I would be THIS excited to reach this point in my pregnancy.

I feel as though I have accomplished so much and come so far...yet at the same time I feel as though I have so far still to go before I hold my little boy in my arms and get to stare into his beautiful eyes ( I am holding thumbs that they are as blue as his Daddy's eyes)

It really does seem like just the other day that we found out we were pregnant and time really has stood still for no-one. These first two trimesters have gone by quicker than I could say " We're having a baby" and my body has changed at the exact same rapid rate!

I have so many people telling me that "Oh you will see, this is when you grow the most in your pregnancy". Um, how is it even possible that I grow more than I have already! Where is this baby going to fit?!

Look, as much as I am not one to be entirely honest about how I am really feeling on some days (unless you are really close to me, then I don't hold back LOL),I really can't complain - this pregnancy has been rather easy I think and a few times I have had to remind myself that I wasn't just getting "bigger" or "fatter" which ever word you feel more appropriate, but I am in actual fact housing a little human in my tummy.

Although my "bigger" days are behind me and my "huge" days are fast approaching now that my stomach gets in the way when I try shaving my legs or try put on my shoes and I feel the aching reminders through out the day when my pubic bone feels like it is about to crack or my coccyx might snap...I still giggle when he kicks because I know my baby boy is not far away from gracing us with his presence and I am reminded of all the joy and unconditional love that is going to follow after that day!

There are other pregnancy ailments that I shall spare you from and rather not share them as nobody should talk about such things on a blog. Ever! Once again with all of the above being said I am definitely one of the lucky pregnant one's. I know some ladies have it WAY worse and even with all my aches, pains and discomforts, I still maintain I have little to complain about. I love being pregnant and what is a little ache and pain when this is such a massive blessing to be able to have children. Think of the many out there who are not able to ever become a mother and then perhaps you will think twice about saying things like " I hate being pregnant"

So I raise my imaginary glass of red wine and toast all you pregnant ladies who have ever made it to your third trimester with a smile on your face. Here is to the next few weeks, I cannot tell you whether I will survive them but I am definitely going to try do them with a smile on my face (maybe not a spring in my step)

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 27

Dear Baby Loxton,

This week was magical! We got to see your cuteness on a 4D scan. You sure have your Daddy's mouth little guy. Your chubby cheeks are adorably cute!

4D Scan Picture
We brought along your grandmother and your great grandparents and seeing their faces light up and your great grandma Sandra nearly punching your great gramps right off his wheel chair in excitement when she saw you on the screen...was PRICELESS!

Your great gramps is very ill as I have mentioned before and we are praying every day that you get to meet him but I know seeing you on that screen this week made his heart melt and that made me SO happy inside. He is convinced that you look just like him, lol, he was even checking himself out in the elevator mirror after the scan confirming that you in fact look just like him.

Stay cozy inside my ever growing belly little one.

You know who loves you and I cannot wait to see your handsome face in person.


Your mom

27 Weeks

How far along: 27 weeks (Third Trimester)

Baby fun facts: From last week to this week our little guy is now weighing 1260grams! He now has eyebrows and eyelashes and his hair is growing everyday - wonder what colour hair he will have?
Pregnancy weight gain: I decided for my own sanity I would no longer be weighing myself and I would just continue to watch what I eat instead of watching the scale climb.

Sleep: Not much at all.

Food cravings: None.

Food aversions: Nothing really. I have managed to stomach some lettuce and tomato - progress!

Gender: A bouncing baby boy!

Highlight of the week: Seeing my grandfathers face light up when he saw Baby Loxton on the 4D Scan. Seeing our little guy and seeing my grandfathers face brought tears to my eyes.

Movement: Not a lot this week.

What am I looking forward to: My Baby Shower next week! My mom has been so busy with preparation for this because I know she wants to make it perfect for her girl.

What I miss the most: My old body and energy levels.

Worried about: No use worrying.

Most excited about: My baby shower as I mentioned above.

Making use of: Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, Preg O mega Plus Vitamins.

Grateful for: My mother and all that she has done and is doing for Wayne, Baby Loxton and I! Love you mom!

Sunday, April 20, 2014


This Easter let us all remember the true meaning of it all...

As much as I love all the traditional things that come with Easter time like Hot Cross Buns and Ohhh I cannot wait to eat a tray of White Candy Coated Chocolate eggs..mmmhhhhh Yumm! I am also reminded of the true meaning of Easter and why I am so thankful.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

The greatest gift Jesus gave to us was His life. He paid the price for our sins, died for us on the cross, and rose from the dead so that we could all have eternal life. Because of Him, death is not the end, and life takes on a new meaning. We are given the chance to change and start over and live again with God.

SO this Easter ~ Celebrate His life and remember all that is possible because of Him.
Enjoy your Easter weekend with your loved one’s and be safe if you are traveling.
 † = ♥


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Project Nursery Phase # 3

This phase of the nursery just really revolves around the items we have received as gifts or bought and what has arrived that we have ordered.

Not much has changed with the nursery the past two weeks as we are awaiting the arrival of the cot that we ordered so we can place it and then start working around it. It is a little bit difficult to measure where things need to be placed without the cot being put in place.

So far the compactum has arrived which we are really thrilled about! Now we can start packing the drawers and putting items in their place.

I have ordered a baby mobile and a few other items from a lady who hand makes them and these items should arrive during May month. Eeeeekk so excited! I would have loved to have made a lot more of the items for Baby Loxton's room but to be honest I just do not have the time with working full time and late evenings. I feel as though I have so much to do and such little time that I decided to leave it to the experts.

Compactum that we received as a gift from my mom and grandmother

Other items that we received or bought so far are as follows:

Counting down the days for the cot to arrive so we can start putting up the shelves and positioning picture frames etc. around the room.

At the moment I feel as though the nursery project has come to a standstill and I am itching to just get it done so I can start packing hospital bags and all that jazz.

One would think this child is arriving in three weeks but *sigh* he is not. I just like to have all my ducks in a row.

Friday, April 18, 2014

The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 26

Dear Baby Loxton,

Just short of 100 days to go until you arrive my boy! It feels like just the other day that you were a tiny little sesame seed embryo.

We got a sneak peak of you at the check up on Tuesday. Aaawwww! My heart melts every time I see you or hear that little heart beat.You were not happy with the Doc though when she pushed on my tummy ~ you kicked back a few times as if to tell her to back off...hahaha!

You are of course slightly above average in length and weight....our little champ! You are weighing in at 1186grams and an average baby (according to a few websites I checked out) is weighing around 760-900grams at 26 weeks but as they say every baby and pregnancy is different. I won't lie after our appointment I felt more at ease as to why I am feeling so big.

So far mommy has no swollen ankles and I am crossing my fingers that this pregnancy symptom escapes me! My blood pressure is back to normal so you will not be arriving any time soon. You are snug as a bug in a rug and we are so happy that all is fine and still on track.

These days when people ask me how I am feeling, the only thing I can think of is huge. A lot of the things I used to do are slowly becoming an effort these days, especially trying to shave my legs or lace up my trainers but at the same time I am just really trying to enjoy every minute with you in my tummy because I know I am going to miss being pregnant!

This week has been another busy one but no matter how big I may feel, I feel great. Your gramps came home from the hospital on Tuesday - yay! Another reason to smile this week.

I ordered a little Ellie night light for you on and oh em gee I was so excited when it arrived, your daddy and I were ooohhhing and aaahing at its cuteness! Confession time....we sat in your nursery in the dark and put on the Ellie night light to check out all the cool settings, we hope you don't mind.

Your gramps put up your shelves in your nursery this weekend too. Your room is really starting to take shape and it looks really cool.

We cannot wait for you to see all the cute things we have found for you.

You have our heart little one


Your mom

How far along: 26 weeks

Baby fun facts: Our baby boy is weighing a whopping 1186grams! Quite the little beast hehehe. His eyes are starting to open, I wonder what colour they are going to be?! Blue like his daddy or green like his mommy?

Pregnancy weight gain: So weird the last two weeks my tummy has looked smaller than previous weeks but not this week. This week alone I managed to gain 200grams,then lose 400grams and then gain 1kg and then I just stopped weighing myself. I spoke to my gynae about it at my check up and I explained my concerns to which she just laughed and told me not be concerned as I am not a short lady and neither is this baby going to be small. According to her 12kg is not what I should be hoping to gain during my pregnancy. Sigh!

Sleep: Great this week! * Please note Wayne was given his own pregnancy pillow by our friend Monique, so we are both sleeping well ~LOL*

Food cravings: Nothing.

Food aversions: Nothing really just salad and I am managing to stomach chicken as long as it is crumbed - not so healthy but hey at least I can eat chicken again.

Gender: Snips and snails and puppy dog tails ~ that's what little BOYS are made of!

Highlight of the week: Seeing our little guy on the scan. Spending quality time with the family at my grandparents house for Good Friday celebrations.

Movement: Loads.

What am I looking forward to: 4D scan later this month. I am taking my grandfather with and he is so excited. As I have mentioned in my previous posts, he has been diagnosed with Liver cancer and the Doctor cannot tell us how long we have left with him. I am praying everyday that he gets to meet our little guy. I know he would love nothing more than to meet him. He has been asking me for ages,when I am going to give him great grandchildren as he isn't getting any younger.

What I miss the most: Being as active as I used to be. These days I struggle to breathe and 30min of cardio kills me.

Worried about: Nothing

Most excited about: My baby shower which is approaching, the 4D Scan and our maternity shoot.

Making use of: Happy Event, Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, Preg O mega Plus Vitamins.

Grateful for: Having my grandfather in my life for another week.



Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Antenatal Classes ~ Birth Plan

In the antenatal class the midwife explained the importance of having a Birth plan written and ready.

She explained that it is just a way of communicating with the midwives and doctors who will care for you in labour. It tells them about the type of labour you would like to have, what you want to happen and what you definitely want to avoid.

However one needs to remember to be flexible when it comes to a birth plan as things don't always go according to plan.

I am not so sure about my feelings on this topic. I am very much still on the fence here. I for one feel the Midwives and Doctors know what they are doing - I am not the Doctor and I just want my baby boy to be born the best way possible for him. They had none of these things in the old days and I sometimes sit back and think...What happened to just having a baby, why all the complications?!

With that being said we wrote one anyway, just for peace of mind.

Here are some tips on what to consider when writing your Birth plan as well as a sample plan.

Type of birth
  • Natural or C-section
Birth partner
  • Who would you like present with you?
  • Would you like your birth partner with you at all times?
Positions for labour and birth
  • Do you want to be mobile for as long as possible or do you want to just stay in bed?
  • Do you want to give birth laying on the bed or would you prefer to be kneeling or squatting?
Monitoring the baby's heartbeat
  • Would you object to having your baby's hear rate monitored continuously or would you prefer to be as mobile as possible during labour?
If you told you need help to give birth
  • Do you want an episiotomy or would you prefer to avoid it?
  • Do you have a preference when it comes to forceps or ventouse?
Pain relief
  • What sort of pain relief would you prefer?
  • In which order would you like to try the different pain relief methods? E.g. Gas before epidural?
  • Which methods would you want to avoid, if any?
  • Would you or your partner want to cut your baby's umbilical cord.
  • Would you want to wait for the cord to stop oulsating before clamping and cutting
  • Would you like your partner to stay with you at all times or must your partner stay with the baby if the baby has any complications.

Sample Birth plan

    Antenatal Classes ~ How well do you know your pregnancy

    This "quiz" was merely just an "ice-breaker" on the first day and something fun for everyone. We had to answer some questions and see how well we fared compared to the other moms and dads.

    One question we were asked was: "What is a funny colour discharge?"

    To which one father replied, "Blue" ~ that is a rather funny colour and I would be seriously worried LOL!

    Wayne and I made a good team scoring a 10/11 - not bad for first timers.

    Here are some of the questions that we had to answer:
    1. How long is a full term pregnancy?
    2. How do you monitor your baby's movement?
    3. What is considered a high blood pressure?
    4. After how many days should you go to the Doctor if your blood pressure is high?
    5. When do you know you have a UTI? (3 point)
    6. What blood test result is it important to know when you are pregnant?
    7. Is a thick creamy white discharge a normal discharge to have during pregnancy?
    8. What is a funny colour discharge?
    9. What could you develop after 24 weeks of pregnancy?

    Tuesday, April 08, 2014

    Antenatal Classes ~ Mediclinic

    Mediclinic Antenatal Classes

    Antenatal classes help prepare you for labour, birth and parenthood.

    Being first time parents, Wayne and I decided to partake in Antenatal classes at the Hospital where we will be having Baby Loxton. Lately I feel like I live at this place but I am so grateful for everything I have learnt up until now from the Midwives that work there.

    I am a firm believer that when it comes to your baby no-one is going to be able to prepare you 100% as every child is different but attending these classes are just giving us the peace of mind that we have done everything in our ability to best prepare ourselves for his arrival.

    I certainly don't claim to "know it all" and I am sure that even after these classes I may get it wrong but I will follow my heart and also my "motherly instinct" once he is born and do what I think is best for my little boy using the knowledge I have gained from them.

    Some of the topics we have covered and will still be covering in the weeks to come:

    How well do you know your pregnancy
    Birth Plan
    Natural Delivery
    Caesarean Section
    Pain Relief Options
    Baby Care
    CPR for Infants

    Happy Reading as I update this page as we go along on our six week Antenatal class journey. 


    Monday, April 07, 2014

    The Lil Loxton Bump ~ Week 25

    Dear Baby Loxton,

    This week was tiring. Good but tiring! We were so busy.

    • Monday evening after work we visited your Great gramps. He was full of smiles to see my growing belly!
    • After visiting your great gramps we baked some Red Velvet Cupcakes - Yummy!
    • Tuesday morning we went to the Dentist, you did not like this experience one bit I assume from the amount of times you kicked me while I was sitting on the chair.
    • Tuesday evening your dad and I attended our first Ante natal class. It was fun and we got to see a lot of other mommy and daddies also as excited as we are. We aced the "How well do you know your pregnancy test", your daddy and I make a good team.
    • Wednesday your gramps went in for his operation. The Doc was impressed with the operation and said it was a success. Gramps seemed to be fine when we went to visit at the hospital. He was making his usual jokes and smiling.
    • Wednesday was also your Aunt Tatum's 30th birthday. We have been best friends since High School and she cannot wait to meet you.
    • Saturday afternoon we had my cousin Catherine's surprise 30th cake and tea and boy did we eat A LOT of cake...delish!
    • Saturday evening mommy had a girls dinner and Bombay Bicycle Club. It was so lovely to see all the girls and the food was devine!
    • Sunday afternoon your gran and I spent 3 hours doing my baby shower gift feet were killing me after that
    • Sunday evening we went to visit Uncle Martin and Aunty Monique for a potjie. It was so delicious but I only managed to fit in one helping as you are taking up a lot of room these days.It was so nice to see them and little McKenzie couldn't stop rubbing my tummy asking you to wake up...but you were not budging.
    That week sounds like a mouthful don't you think?!

    Hope you are all comfy in my tummy little one.

    Love you to the moon and back.

    Your Mom

    25 Weeks

    This week I have noticed a faint line running down my belly, it starts about an inch below my bust line and carries on all the way down to my belly button, which is still very much an innie not an outie. The line then starts again under my belly button. Is this the start of my Linea Nigra? Well to be honest I hope it stays this light and doesn't get any darker.

    Something else that comes to mind this week...I cough, therefore I pee...I have always heard women say, "Wait until you cough and wet your pants"...I was like Oh please....and then it happened to me. Oh, the joys of pregnancy!

    How far along: 25 weeks

    Baby fun facts: Roughly 35cm from head to heel. This week the structures of baby's spine is forming...33 rings...150 joints and 1000 ligaments - massive task for such a tiny boy but dynamite comes in Little Loxton packages! Blood vessels also form in his lungs this week and he has enough control over his hands to make tiny little fists. Aaawww I cannot wait for him to wrap his tiny fist around my finger.

    Pregnancy weight gain: I managed to lose 100g....someone give this girl a medal please.Whoop Whoop!

    Sleep: Not too bad.

    Food cravings: Sweet and savory tooth this week. Sour worms and Samosas...Quiche anyone? I still wouldn't call these cravings though as I don't have to have those items, I won't die if I don't.

    Food aversions: Nothing besides those salads.

    Gender: Boy!

    Highlight of the week: Hearing that my dad's operation was a success.

    Movement: Baby is such a mover and shaker!

    What am I looking forward to: Our gynae appointment next week, hopefully we get to see you and then the 4D scan later this month.

    What I miss the most: Ohhh I dream of days where I can put on a Bikini and see "me" in the mirror and not this current Hippo that stares back at me on a daily basis.

    Worried about: Dad's op was a success so one less thing to worry about. Other than that, I am just worried about the usual things. My grandfathers cancer count has increased, this breaks my heart but every extra day I have him in my life is a blessing from above. Thank you Jesus!

    Most excited about: This nursery! I have this vision in my head of the finished product. I hope it will look as great as I imagine it to look.

    Making use of: Happy Event, Palmers Butter,Vitamin C, Preg O mega Plus Vitamins.

    Grateful for: My mom. She has become my best friend over the last few months. What would I do without her! She is the glue that holds my family together - what would we ALL do without her. My mom really is Super woman.

    Friday, April 04, 2014

    MY miracle....MY life changer


    Dear Baby Loxton,

    There is this man that works with mommy, he is our CFO ( one day when you big you will know what this is) and in a lot of ways he reminds me of your great grandfather - a wonderful and intelligent man.

    We chat on a daily basis about life matters, yes and work matters too but today he said something that really hit home…

    He stood by my desk and said: “ You know it really is a great feeling”

    I was confused as to what he was referring to and then he continued to say: “Having a baby”.

    I was interested in why he was saying so and he went on to say that his Catholic Priest said to him when his son was awaiting the birth of his first child “Don’t worry, when a baby is born all problems will be resolved”

    The man at my work explained to me that the priest didn’t mean that a baby is a miracle worker and takes all your problems away but that when a baby arrives your problems seem small because the joy and unconditional love that a child brings make those problems something secondary in your life as that child becomes your main focus and the problems you have don’t seem so big anymore.

    “So in a nutshell, a baby is a miracle, they change your life for the better” he then smiled and walked away….while I sat back, held my tummy and thought about how right he is.

    My life sure has changed in the last few months since finding out that you are growing inside of my tummy little man and I can only say that no matter what has been happening around me or how I may have felt, my life has changed for the better and it is all thanks to you!

    YOU are MY miracle, MY life changer.

    I love you more than you know.


    Thursday, April 03, 2014

    Project Nursery Phase # 2

    We have so much still that needs to be done before our little guy arrives but I honestly think I am just stressing about nothing.

    I have this vision of how I want the nursery to look but I need to keep reminding myself that it doesn't necessarily mean I am going to find every item I want or that we are going to afford things like the R15 000 cot or compactum I originally wanted. Ridiculous!

    I was given a rocking chair by my dearest friend Tatum, she has had two little boys (one of which is my godson) and said she no longer needed it so I could have it. So sweet of her and a major bonus for us. I just simply sanded it down and repainted it white. Saved us roughly R1000 - thank you Tatum!

    PS: I sat in the rocking chair I so badly wanted and the only thing good about it was the way it looked. I am so glad Tatum said we could have hers otherwise I might have wasted R1000 on an uncomfortable yet stylish rocking chair that my ever growing pregnant ass would possibly not fit into around the time I give birth lol - no brainer!

    Took 3 coats to cover it nicely and then it was done.
    We decided on the theme of the nursery in December when I found the Ellie duvet I wanted at Mr Price Home while I was on leave and when my friend Jen bought baby his first Ellie Fluffy toy in December. 

    Obviously we weren't sure yet on baby's gender so we were toying with the colours, should we go pink, grey and white or should we go with aqua, grey and white? We decided to go with aqua, grey and white regardless of baby's gender as we felt that aqua could be used for a girl or a boy.

    Thanks to Pinterest I got so many awesome ideas for baby's nursery. Wayne and I sat down together and decided on what we liked, what we didn't and where what would go in the nursery and then we got started on Phase # 1 

    With Phase # 2 - Truth is I have been so busy at work and working late most nights so this phase we can thank Wayne and my mom for. They got started on painting the grey stripes on the one feature wall in the nursery and by the sounds of it, it was a mission but Wayne said he loved doing it and he is so chuffed with the finished product - I am too. THANKS my babe! THANKS mom!

    I originally wanted wallpaper but my mom said we should paint the stripes. I was rather reluctant but it saved us roughly R2000. Good Idea mom!

    Drawing the lines first and applying the masking tape
    I was told the hardest part was drawing the lines and then sticking the masking tape down before he got painting. Apparently the walls are pretty skew and using a level didn't help much. Sticking down the masking tape and then realizing you need to re-do it as it is definitely skew was most frustrating, I can only imagine.

    Lines drawn and masking tape applied

    First coat of paint applied

    My man so hard at work. Shoowee check those calve muscles...sorry I just find him so yummy ;)

    Check those arms...ok, ok sorry I mean look how neatly he is working!

    The BIG reveal to see whether the paint has run under the masking tape or not....Holding thumbs!

    GOOD JOB! Excuse his "hat hair" :P

    Last stretch to get the wall completed

    Nearly there....
    SO proud of my man's (and mom's) hard work - what a CHAMP!

    And we are done! *excuse the washing on the line - blind*

    Just an idea of the colour scheme * We will not be using the cushion as it is displayed here*

    Major thanks to Tatum, Wayne and my mom ~ Love you guys!